Tag Archives: Name

What’s in a Name


This is something that I’ve given much thought to in the last few days. A name could either make or break interest either in the person or the product, a website or whatever it is. Some things end up being given names because of their use or association.  A typical example is  a vacuum cleaner being called a ‘Hoover’.  Lots of people don’t even know that Hoover is/was the name of a brand/manufacturer of vacuum cleaners. As humans we do not get to choose our given names, our lineage or our heritage, our parents do.  Fortunately, I got to choose the name of my blog!

Swazi Living Fit…. I’m a Swazi and I’m trying to live my life as fit as I can possibly can.  This includes both my physical and mental state, although some might question it sometimes.  Also playing an important part is trying to balance it all. With all the hectic demands of the family, the world, careers, this is not an easy task. The scale always seems to be tipped heavily on one end, never a close-to-perfect balance. 3976

In case you wondered, that’s how this blog was named. No complicated formula, logic or theory applied. Just the plain ol’ simple truth!  Living Fit, for me, is a constant journey and it evolves as I continuously learn more, new  and different things.

With all this thought about names, I still wonder why my parents gave me my second name and why I don’t like it.  Fortunately only a select few know this name and, the consequences of using it. I also wonder if I would ever name a shop, clothing line or restaurant with my name. ‘Sandra’s Bistro’, ‘Sandra’s Deli’, ‘Sandra’s Fashion’……. Nah! I don’t think so. On the other hand, naming a race, a workout or a training technique after me, would be awesome. That I can see, clearly, very clearly! The ‘Sandra grip’, ‘Sandra’s Ultra Marathon’ or ‘The Sandra WOD’ (Workout Of the Day). Yes I have big dreams, why not!  Don’t you?