
4090Once past the lips, always on the hips……

I’m sure that you’ve all heard this saying before.  Over the years I have said it many times, but I have also come to realise these things;

  • The statement does not specify what is passing the lips. The most obvious thing is that it’s some kind of edible substance.
  • The quantity passing the lips and always on the hips, is vague and I’m sure this differs for every person.
  • Some people would say its once past the lips, always on the thighs or butt or arms or cheeks or neck or…… But it’s definitely some body part and most of the time, the one that needs it the least.

Before I proceed, let me just put it out there. I’m always thinking about food, I eat many meals a day and I’m not a happy person when I’m hungry!  I never travel without food supplies, ‘mpakho’, ‘padkoos’ or whatever name you call it. I eat to live and not live to eat! Either you can relate or you are smiling (I know some of you are smiling and shaking your head right now).

Ranking high on my daily to-do list are my training plan and my nutritional/eating plan for the day!  Its true. My eating plan taking much more effort as it requires planning, preparing and of course, eating. My daily eating plan consists of 5 meals (on most days) – breakfast, lunch, dinner and two snacks in-between.  I take a packed lunch to work as its easier for me to know what I’m eating and, that I’m eating the right foods. At home, I normally prepare our dinner meals. My daily nutrition consists mostly of vegetables (raw, steamed or dry-fried), lean protein (chicken, tuna and fish), grains and pulses, carbohydrates (oats, brown rice and sweet potatoes) and fruits. All the food I eat is geared towards what my body needs and requires for my training and also the benefits to be derived from a good nutritional plan including:

  • High immunity during the high intensity training weeks;
  • Far quicker recovery should I get sick at any stage;
  • Great recovery ability from hard training sessions;
  • Readily available fuel in my marathon storage “tanks”;
  • Stable blood sugar levels and thus more controlled appetite;
  • Increase in lean body mass and less body fat.

Realising all the benefits of eating right, does make the effort part worthwhile – deciding what to eat and at the same time trying to keep the meals colourful, tasty and not repetitive, bland and boring. I have adopted and learnt a few things to help make this process easier.  I will share them and if you aren’t doing some of these already, try a few let me know if they work for you.

  • try to plan meals in advance, for the week or two/three days ahead.  At the least, in the morning plan your lunch and dinner meals. This makes for an easier shopping list too.
  • always keep fruits in the fridge and I take at least two different fruits wherever I go, work, office or a drive.
  • always make a big bowl of salad in the evening.  The leftover is packed for my lunch the next day.
  • always prepare at least two different vegetables for dinner if not, a mixed vegetable pack.
  • using an electric steamer for veggies is quicker and easier as I don’t risk over-cooking them.
  • try to add as much colourful vegetables into salads, so it looks exciting and inviting to eat.  For a sweet taste, add fruits.
  • my least favourite veggies I chop up very fine or grate and add into my food as its cooking or add to my salads.
  • add as much raw vegetables to salads if I don’t have time to prepare or steam vegetables.  This way I will still be eating my vegetable portion for the day.
  • always have a small cooler bag handy and ready to pack

Once past the lips….


If you are eating all the right healthy, nutritious foods (eating clean) when your body needs them and, to the full requirements of your body’s needs for sustainability or your training requirements.


Once past the lips, always to refuel and energize your body and keep your metabolism high!

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